OneTouch Verio® Control Solution
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OneTouch Verio® test strips
OneTouch Verio® test strips provide accurate results you can trust

Works with OneTouch Verio® meters

Scans a tiny blood sample 500 times for accurate results

Smallest blood sample size: needs only 0.4 μL of blood

11 years of proven accuracy

Lowest co-pay on most health plans* and always covered on Traditional Medicare Part B**
- Medicare Part B patients pay $0 copay with most supplemental insurance**
Subscriptions: OneTouch Verio® test strips - 60 count monthly subscription and 180 count quarterly subscriptions available for additional savings

Questions about your OneTouch Verio® test strips?
Visit the support page for FAQ, product demos and downloadable user guides.
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Testing your blood glucose

Checking your meter with control solution

Using your OneTouch® Delica® lancing device
*Some health plans may have more than one test strip covered at the lowest co-pay.
**Coverage and payment subject to co-insurance, deductible and patient eligibility requirements. LifeScan does not guarantee coverage or payment.