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Making the most of your doctor visit

Diabetes management requires the coordination of several people. A collaboration between you, your support people, and your medical team is essential for success.
Part of managing diabetes means regular visits with your healthcare team. Whether your visit is through telehealth or in person, it can be helpful to have an idea of what to discuss before the appointment begins.
Your time with your team is valuable and you want to make the most of it! To get in the right mindset before your visit:
Be prepared:
- To answer your doctor’s questions honestly and completely.
- To have a physical exam, including a foot exam, if needed.
- To ask for further explanation or help with anything you don't understand about your diabetes.
In addition, consider gathering the following:
What to take to every appointment
- Your blood glucose meter
- Your logbook (paper or electronic, such as a mobile app)
- Medication list (all medications you take, including over the counter medications and supplements, with dosages
- List of questions (about symptoms, side effects, tests, any changes in your health or wellness), with the most important questions first
Together with your doctor or other healthcare professionals, review your blood glucose log and other diabetes care records. Review your test results, like your HbA1c, and discuss any changes in your health status. This will help determine any needed changes in your treatment plan. The following questions can help guide a useful dialogue:
What to ask at your doctor visit
- How is my blood glucose management?
- Am I testing at the right times?
- Do I need to check more?
- Do we need to change my blood glucose targets?
- Am I taking the right dosage of my diabetes medicines?
- Can we review the times I take my medicines?
- Do I need to take more (or less) diabetes medicine?
- Do I need to change my eating plan?
- Is it safe for me to exercise? (exercise more?)
- Have you checked for diabetes complications?
- Is there anything else I could do to better manage my diabetes?
- Do I need any other tests?
- Do I need to see other specialists?
- When do I need to have my next check-up?
Remember, the key to successful diabetes management is staying consistent with medicines, lifestyle modifications and mindset.
Taking a few extra minutes to prepare before your medical appointment can make a huge difference in getting the most out of your visit.
American Diabetes Association Professional Practice Committee. 3. Prevention or Delay of type 2 Diabetes and Associated Comorbidities: Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes—2022. Diabetes Care. 2021;45(Supplement_1). doi:10.2337/dc22-s003
American Diabetes Association. Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes—2022 Abridged for Primary Care Providers. Clinical Diabetes. 2022;40(1):10-38. doi:10.2337/cd22-as01
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